- Lopes, L. E.; Batista, M. N. M. ; Reis, J. N. ; Fernandes, A. M. ; Heming, N. M. ; Magnago, G. ; Nacif, J. A. ; Nogueira, W. ; Rodrigues, M. ; Vasconcelos, M. F. (2024) Two centuries of ornithological exploration of the Rio Doce Basin, southeastern Brazil. Part II?A catalogue of its birds and a gazetteer. Zootaxa, 5532, 1–558.
- Fernandes, Alexandre M. ; Cohn-Haft, Mario ; Silveira, Luís Fábio ; Aleixo, Alexandre ; Nascimento, Nathália ; Urban Olsson (2024) Speciation in savanna birds in South America: The case of the Least Nighthawk Chordeiles pusillus (Aves: Caprimulgidae) in and out of the Amazon. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 198, 108–117.
- Fernandes, Alexandre M. ; de Melo, Alyson Vieira ; da Silva, Andreza Maria (2022) CIGANAS, as origens enigmáticas da ave com ‘cabelos’ para trás. Ciência Hoje. 393, 1–10.
- Ferreira, Maria Eduarda Alves ; Marques, Rodrigo Ferraz Jardim ; Leite, Hélio Francisco (2022) New record of the bat falcon (Falco rufigularis) in northeastern Brazil: Implications for its future distribution under climate change. Biologia. 77, 2619–2624.
- Veras, Aurea Palloma Bezerra Barbosa ; de Almeida, Cauê Guion ; de Moraes, Lorena Lima ; Fernandes, Alexandre M. (2022) Ethnoornithology and bird conservation in afro-descendant communities in the brazilian Caatinga. Ethnobiology Letters. 13, 1–15.
- Gomes, Regina Carolina Ferreira De Souza ; Teixeira, Bárbara Luiza Barbosa ; Gusmão, Cássia Lima Silva ; Fernandes, Alexandre M. (2020) Humidity effects on avian blood parasites in the Caatinga of Brazil. Ornithology Research. doi:10.1007/s43388-020-00009-y.
- Moura, Carina C. M.; Fernandes, Alexandre M.; Aleixo, Alexandre; De Araujo, Helder F. P.; De Freitas Mariano, Erich; Wink, Michael (2020) Evolutionary history of the Pectoral Sparrow Arremon taciturnus: evidence for diversification during the Late Pleistocene. IBIS. doi.org/10.1111/ibi.12813
- Silva, Sofia Marques; Peterson, A. Townsend; Carneiro, Lincoln; Burlamaqui,Tibério César Tortola; Ribas, Camila C.; Sousa-Neves, Tiago; Miranda, Leonardo S.; Fernandes, Alexandre M.; D'horta, Fernando M.; Araújo-Silva, Lucas Eduardo; Batista, Romina; Bandeira, Cinthia H. M. M.; Dantas, Sidnei M.; Ferreira, Mateus; Martins, Denise M.; Oliveira, Joiciane; Rocha, Tainá C.; Sardelli, Carla H.; Thom, Gregory; Rêgo, Péricles Sena; Santos, Marcos Pérsio; Sequeira, Fernando; Vallinoto, Marcelo; Aleixo, Alexandre A (2019) Dynamic continental moisture gradient drove Amazonian bird diversification. Science Advances. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aat5752.
- Da Silva, Erasmo Andrade; De Araujo, Helder Farias Pereira; Aleixo, Alexandre; Antonelli, Alexandre; Fernandes, Alexandre M. (2019) The effects of climate change on the distribution of South American antbirds (Thamnophilus punctatus complex) as affected by niche divergences and contact zone interactions between species. Journal of Ornithology. 161, 229–241.
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- Andermann, Tobias; Fernandes, Alexandre M.; Olsson, Urban; Töpel, Mats; Pfeil, Bernard; Oxelman, Bengt; Aleixo, Alexandre; Faircloth, Brant C; Antonelli, Alexandre (2018) Allele Phasing Greatly Improves the Phylogenetic Utility of Ultraconserved Elements. Systematic Biology, doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syy039.
- Ferreira, Mateus; Fernandes, Alexandre M.; Aleixo, Alexandre; Antonelli, Alexandre; Olsson, Urban; Bates, John M.; Cracraft, Joel; Ribas, Camila (2018). Evidence for mtDNA capture in the jacamar Galbula leucogastra / chalcothorax species-complex and insights on the evolution of white-sand ecosystems in the Amazon basin. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.
- Lopes, Leonardo E.; Fernandes, Alexandre M.; Medeiros, Matthew C. I.; Marini, Miguel Ângelo (2016) A classification scheme for avian diet types. Journal of Field Ornithology, 87, 309–322.
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- Cohn-Haft, M.; Junior, M.A.S.; Fernandes, A.M.; Ribas, C (2013) A new species of Cyanocorax jay from savannas of the central Amazon. In: Handbook of the birds of the world, Special Volume: New Species and Global Index. (ed. J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, D. A. Christie), 48–53. Lynx Edicions, USA. ISBN-13: 978-84-96553-88-0.
- Fernandes, A.M. (2013) Fine-scale endemism of Amazonian birds in a threatened landscape. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22, 2683–2694.
- Fernandes, A.M.; Gonzalez, J.; Wink, M.; Aleixo, A. (2013) Multilocus phylogeography of the Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Glyphorynchus spirurus (Aves, Furnariidae) in lowland Amazonia: Widespread cryptic diversity and paraphyly reveal a complex diversification pattern. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66, 270–282.
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- Fernandes, A.M. (2007) Southern range extension for the Red-and-black Grosbeak (Periporphyrus erythromelas, Cardinalidae) Amazonia, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 15, 468–469.
- Faria, C.M.A.; Rodrigues, M.; Amaral, F.Q.; Módena, É.; Fernandes, A.M. (2007) Aves de um fragmento de Mata Atlântica no alto Rio Doce, Minas Gerais: colonização e extinção. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 24, 23–26.
- Cohn-Haft, M., Pacheco, A.M.F., Bechtoldt, C. L.,Torres, M. F.N., Fernandes, A.M., Sardelli, C. H., Macêdo, I. T. (2007) Inventário ornitológico. In: Biodiversidade do médio Madeira: Bases científicas para propostas de conservação (ed. by L.R. Py-Daniel, C.P. Deus, A.L. Henriques, D.M. Pimpão, M.O. Ribeiro), 145–178. INPA, Manaus.
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